VacationIdea - Dream Vacation Magazine - Casati Budapest Hotel - Top Luxury Boutique Hotel in Budapest
Situated right in the heart of Downtown Budapest and featuring 25 gorgeous rooms and a wealth of luxury facilities and amenities, the Casati Budapest Hotel is easily one of the best hotels in all of Budapest. It ranks highly as a romantic hotel in particular due to its adult-only nature, and is well-suited for couples...

"It's fun, and friendly too, wit free tea, coffee, cakes and fruit until 4pm, while the climbing plants absolutely everywhere give it a back-to-nature vibe."

BudNews - New hotel opens in Budapest with a glass-walled swimming pool at the roof level (EN)
Budapest is full with hotels, hostels and different accommodations, but the market is not overbought at all. After the success of the Casati Budapest Hotel, Hotel Pest Ltd. opens its second hotel in the second half of 2018, in the 6th district, named Cortile Budapest Hotel. The new boutique hotel of Budapest will be waiting...

Named after Luisa Casati — an eccentric Italian patroness of the arts during the early 20th century who wore live snakes as jewellery and took walks with a pair of cheetahs — Casati Budapest is a cut above the rest. In places, the stripped brick of the late-18th-century pokes through – most notably in the...

The Culture Trip - The Best Boutique Hotels in Budapest (EN)
Centrally located, in Budapest’s Jewish Quarter, Hotel Casati is housed in an 18th-century townhouse with a modern interior and contemporary style. Rooms are centered around four themes: Classic, Cool, Natural and Heaven, each with tasteful and stylish decorations. It’s worth noting that the hotel caters only to guests over the age of 14, and as...

Turizmus.com - Jövőre nyit a Cortile Budapest Hotel (HU)
A Casati Budapest Hotel sikere után a Hotel Pest Kft. 2018 második felében megnyitja második szállodáját Budapesten, a hatodik kerületben Cortile Budapest Hotel néven. Az Operától 3 percre 36 szobával és többféle szobastílussal várja vendégeit Budapest új boutique szállodája.

Hotels With a Plus - Budapest: cinco hoteles especiales para descubrir el alma de la ciudad (ES)
Abre sus puertas en pleno casco histórico, en un precioso edificio antiguo del siglo XVIII con su clásico patio cubierto tapizado por hiedra. Su diseño interior mezcla arte contemporáneo y tradicional, como se puede comprobar en sus cuatro estilos de habitaciones: Classic, Cool, Sky y Natural. A mí las que me gustan son estas últimas,...

Üzleti reggeli a turizmus panorámával (HU)
A Turizmus Panoráma szeptember 17-én megrendezett, immár hagyományos üzleti reggelijén a Casati Budapest Hotel látta vendégül a meghívottakat. A vendégeket Kelecsenyi Ágnes, a Turizmus Kft. marketingigazgatója és Erdős Gábor köszöntötte.

The Guardian - 10 of the best budget hotels in Budapest (EN)
The Casati describes itself as an art hotel, beginning the moment you pass beneath a giant hanging sculpture dominating the entrance, while sitting in the cocktail bar is like being part of a multi-coloured gallery installation. By contrast, once inside the bright, spacious standard rooms, the decor is essentially minimalist – white, beige or black....

Sunday Times Travel - Hedonistic Budapest (EN)
This central chi-chi boutique hotel has four stylish room options – classic, cool, natural and heaven – all with minimalist designer furniture and a soporific neutral colour scheme.

The chef is on the table - Una vacanza di quattro giorni a Budapest (IT)
Cose che ci avevano detto di Budapest: è come Parigi! Somiglia alla Berlino Est, quella più creativa! La città è in fermento. Ci sono terme imperdibili.

Malacságok, szűzérme erdő kincseivel, házi csalamádéval, Kupa borral (HU)
Novemberi találkozónk egyben az utolsó a búcsúzó óévben. Ez alkalommal Budapest egyik legelegánsabb üzleti és bevásárlónegyedében, az Andrássy út szomszédságában lévő, svájci tulajdonú, nemrégiben átalakított, nagypolgári hangulatot árasztó, nemrégiben felújított.

Vanity Fair - Budapest in 10 mosse fuori dal comune (IT)
Boutique Hotel Casati È una piacevole scoperta per look, servizio e accoglienza. Dedicato all’omonima stravagante Marchesa, l’anticonformista che amava arte, avanguardia e tigri al guinzaglio. Muri colorati e pop art nelle camere, ispirate a quattro diversi lifestyle: natural, cool, classic, heaven, tutte con free tea&coffee giorno e notte. Centralissimo, music lounge bar anni ’70, sauna...

Travel with Kevin and Ruth - The Best Hotel in Budapest! (EN)
The Best Hotel in Budapest! Well, we don't know if it's the best, but we can't figure why anyone would want anything better. The Casati Budapest Hotel has everything you would need, as well as a helpful staff that are proud to show off the newly renovated boutique hotel. The hotel is located in an...

Viaprestige - Casati Budapest Hotel: L’art et le savoir-vivre (FR)
Amoureux de l’art et du savoir-vivre, découvrez un boutique-hôtel unique au coeur de Budapest. Bien exposé, au coeur de Budapest depuis 2012 Casati Budapest hôtel s’inspire de son histoire pour en créer une autre. Un trois étoiles qui vaut malgré tout le détour car Casati Budapest hôtel joue sur le tout confort avec une décoration...

A Mádi Láncos Stúdió friss munkája (HU)
A Casati Hotel Budapest a korábban Pest Hotel néven működő (Bp. Paulay Ede 31.) szálloda átalakításával jött létre. A Pest Hotelt megvásárló új tulajdonos azzal keresett meg minket, hogy egy Bobo (bourgeois-boheme) hangulatú boutique hotelt szeretne, hangsúlyos budapesti feelinggel. A megcélzott utazóközönséget valahogy így definiálta: középkorú, világlátott, fizetőképes, de nem luxus igényű, a meglepetésekre és...

The 19 best boutique hotels in Budapest (EN)
Housed in an 18th-century building renovated in 2012, Casati Budapest Hotel is a boutique hotel located in the historic Terézváros District of Budapest. It features a landscaped courtyard and interiors decorated with original works of art. The rooms and suites at Casati Budapest Hotel are designed in 4 different themes: Classic, Cool, Natural and Heaven....